Are humans to blame for Climate Change?
Governments worldwide have adopted a "climate crisis" narrative to justify radical socioeconomic changes that will severely impact food production and availability, access to affordable, reliable energy, and civil liberties, including our right to travel freely.
Does reliable long-term data confirm the existence of a climate crisis, or has the data been "cherry-picked" to fit this narrative?
Watch the adjacent video My Gift to Climate Alarmists to find out more.
Could a low CO2 level be dangerous? (read more)
What the Media and Governments tell you
What they don't tell you

* The first graph shows data from 1960 which policy makers use to claim the existence of human driven global warming.
The second graph shows that the intensity of the U.S. heat waves was a lot greater prior to 1960.
The following graphs show that scientifically climate change is not correlated to rising CO2 levels.
Modern warming began more than 300 years ago

Sea levels have been rising for 150 years

Original graph: Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 35, L08715
Melting glaciers predate CO2 increase

Original graph: Extracting a Climate Signal from 169 Glacier Records
Temperature changes for the past 10,000 years

Original graph: NOAA Ice Core Data, Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Air Temperature Variability: 1840-2007

The basic rationale for "climate crisis" restrictions and policies is the claim that we have "excess CO2 and 'nitrogen" problems, which are causing global warming and can be addressed only by reducing our "carbon footprint".
Those spouting a "climate crisis" narrative manipulate graphs and data to present the illusion that current climate changes deviate from normal historic variations, when reliable scientific data confirms otherwise.
The claim that we need to "reduce our carbon footprint" is driving a sizeable chunk of ‘climate change’ alarmism and policy. In the context of long term averages (spanning millions of years), however, reliable data shows that we are now at dangerously low CO2 levels. If these levels decline further, we risk the danger that all plant life will cease to grow.
Global Warming - The Cold, Hard Facts
Gregory Wrightstone, Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, joins the Golden Gate Breakfast Club to debunk many of the myths we're told about catastrophic climate change.
Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (1 of 2)
According to the best available data, all the main predictions of dominant "climate models" are decisively wrong. If recent global warming was due to CO2 those models would work well, but they don't. The conclusion is that CO2 is not the chief cause of global warming.
Dr David Evans: Global Warming is Manmade? (2 of 2)
Most "climate models" are unreliable as a result of a wrong guess (made around 1980) that CO2 is the sole cause of global warming, which led to a false deduction that clouds and humidity amplify the direct effect of CO2 threefold. We now know that this is not true.
The BEST Climate Clip I've EVER seen - What do you think?
​Jorgen Peder Steffensen, Curator at the Niels Bohr Department of Geophysics, is a member of the Greenland Ice-core Project team, who are using isotope analysis of ice core samples to prove that average global temperatures during the past 8000 years were higher than today’s [4 minutes]
CPAC 2022
Green Murder - Professor Ian Plimer debunks climate alarmism.
Climate Lies Drive Smart City Prisons
There is NO pending Climate disaster. There is a real and present danger of a disastrous totalitarian rule. Fear is the only weapon that is being waved at you. Reason and rational thought are your greatest defences.
Malcolm Roberts addresses the Climate and Energy Forum
The 2023 Climate and Energy Forum was held on 2/3/23. This full recording of Senator Roberts’ address to the forum shows how baseless and environmentally damaging "climate" policies are.
WEF/UN: "We own the science."
United Nations global communications representative Melissa Fleming tells the WEF during a panel on 'disinformation': 'We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do.'
Climate Science: What Does it Say?
Watch as globalist Bill Gates explains why climate change restrictions don't apply to him.
Dr Richard Lindzen exposes climate change as a politicised power play motivated by malice and profit
Dr Richard Lindzen, pioneering atmospheric physicist and former Emeritus Professor of Meteorology at MIT, recounts events that gave birth to the all-consuming 'climate change' narrative that prevails today. What’s particularly revealing is how complicit mainstream media and politicians have been in forcing a disastrous 'climate crisis' narrative upon an unsuspecting and trusting public
The Great Global Warming Swindle
The Great Global Warming Swindle is a polemical documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming.
Climate Science: What Does it Say?
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Dr Richard Lindzen dive into the facts of climate change, the models used to predict it, the dismal state of academia, and the politicized world of “professional” science.
The Great Climate Con
Dr Jordan B Peterson and Alex Epstein discuss the undeniable need for fossil fuels, the toxic underlying nihilism of the “climate concerned” left, the need for balance between conservation and human progress, and the unexplored worth of wild potential.
The so-called "experts" on climate change are 0-50 on their predictions.
Microsoft’s billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect.
The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) regularly claims new record hot days, and Australian scientist report that heat records are now 12 times more likely than cold ones. But how reliable – how verifiable – are the new records?
Available Australian Bureau of Meteorology parallel maximum temperature data for Mildura – temperatures recorded from both a mercury thermometer and a platinum resistant probe on the same day in the same shelter – show no equivalence. They are different.
Claims that we face a climate catastrophe - because temperatures will soon exceed 1.5 °C above global averages - are driving the closure of coal mines, caps on gas prices and a "mental health" epidemic among children who fear global warming.
In genuine science, unbiased observation is the undisputed king of research. However, corporate money now funds most of what passes as "science", resulting in a lack of integrity, reliability and objectivity.
"Climate Narrative And Solutions - All Roads Lead To Corporatised Control" by Kate Mason.
The Bureau operates an error prone network of automatic weather stations (AWS) that have never met International Organisation for Standardization 17025 or ISO 9001 requirements, nor does the Bureau operate its network of automatic weather stations in accordance with World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) recommendations.
Greta Thunberg, the current child prodigy and face of the youth movement to combat climate change, served as special youth advisor and trustee to the foundation established by “We Don’t Have Time”, a burgeoning mainstream tech start-up.