The future is in our hands
The joint push by the WHO and WEF for global tyranny in the fields of health, finance, civil liberties, food and energy is a soulless, anti-human agenda. While it poses a serious threat to our freedom and wellbeing, it is also a catalyst and incentive for us, ‘the people’, to create global networks of alliance that empower and inspire us to work together, care for one another, create innovative, healthy alternatives, thrive and take back control of our lives.
Global Tyranny
Democratic Networking
World Health Organisation (WHO)
In line with their vested financial interests, the WHO "consider vaccines to be one of the best health investments money can buy". WHO major donor Bill Gates recently turned the $10 billion he invested in vaccines into a $200 billion profit.
Recently, the WHO influenced many Governments (including Australia’s) to introduce the equivalent of digital "Health Passports", which led to restricting the civil liberties, social venue access and employment opportunities of those who failed to comply with "vaccine mandates".
The WHO also developed a Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), which has led to an aggressive, worldwide promotion of inadequately tested, experimental Covid "vaccines" that have proven to be neither safe nor effective.
The World Health Assembly - the decision-making body of the WHO - is now pushing a new strategy named Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030), which aims to see everyone "vaccinated" by 2030.
World Council For Health (WCH)
As a non-profit initiative funded by the people, the WCH includes leading health advocates, medical practitioners, innovators and activists working to promote good health for all.
They collaborate with over 190 organizations in 45 countries to broaden public health knowledge and facilitate sense-making through science and shared wisdom.
Their global coalition of health-oriented initiatives and civil society groups is dedicated to safeguarding human rights and freedom, thereby empowering people to take control of their health and wellbeing.
Their vision is for a "healthy world, where everyone enjoys information transparency, access to proven medicines, and real action in the face of disease". They respect each individual’s right to make personal health decisions, without fear of discrimination or persecution.
​"We believe in a world where we keep our water and air clean, food uncontaminated, and families together."
World Economic Forum (WEF)
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is an international non-governmental and lobbying organisation for multinational companies based in Cologny, Canton of Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on 24 January 1971 by German engineer Klaus Schwab. The foundation, which is mostly funded by its 1,000 member companies – typically global enterprises with more than US$5 billion in turnover – as well as public subsidies, views its own mission as "improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas".
While this goal may sound benign, it is not, however, one in which "we, the people" have a say. Rather, the WEF’s underlying, unspoken agenda is a massive transfer of wealth and power to self-appointed global "elites". Their aim is to force us to comply with the dictates of a centralised One World Government, which will rob us of our freedom, privacy, dignity, sense of community, health and right to own anything.
Instead of valuing individual uniqueness and nurturing communities, they view us as a homogenous herd of soulless "commodities" and "hackable animals", whose "information" can be managed and sold for profit.
​Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC)
The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship (ARC) is being established as an international community with a vision for a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute and flourish.
Their core belief is that everyone has intrinsic worth and something to contribute, and humanity has an extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.
Their ambition is to draw on our moral, cultural, economic and spiritual foundations to imagine a future where empowered citizens take responsibility for bringing flourishing and prosperity to their homes, neighbourhoods, and all sectors of society in their nation.
They invite us to join them in developing a positive, hopeful vision in response to life’s most fundamental social, economic, philosophical and cultural questions. They aim to provide an alternative to big government and the inevitability of decline, by seeking answers which draw on humanity’s highest virtues and extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity.
For more information, please click here to visit the ARC website.