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We are a group of local community members from different walks of life, who have had the good fortune to find one another through our shared concern over disturbing global trends that are now encroaching into our personal lives and local communities.

Our vision is to help create a vibrant, self-reliant community of equals, who care for and network with one another, think for themselves and respond ethically, creatively and discerningly to unfolding local and global crises.

Communities are empowered by becoming both self-reliant and well-informed. We have selected a broad range of reliable scientific information and news that will keep you up-to-date with major global trends and events.

Hopefully, this will inspire you to do your own independent research.

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Are Humans causing it?

What does the term "Climate Change" really mean? Hasn't the Climate always changed? Listen to what genuine experts and scientists have to say.


You're always being watched

Have you thought about the negative impact of living under tight surveillance 24/7? Learn more about the global rollout of Smart Cities. Your Council may have already signed up for this plan without your consent!

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Utopia or "Urban Prisons"?

Are you prepared to live in a 15 Minute City, where you will be free to travel only within a 15 minute radius from your home? Is this for our benefit, or could it lead to total surveillance within an 'open air' prison?

Circle of people

The future is in your hands

It is our wish to help create global networks of alliance that empower and inspire us to work together, care for one another, create innovative, healthy alternatives, thrive and take back control of
our lives.


You will own nothing

and be happy

The World Economic Forum (WEF), a powerful, unelected cabal of globalist ’stakeholders', is pushing a 'Great Reset' that will force us to comply with a Chinese-style 'social credit system', which threatens to abolish our civil rights.


Unelected bureaucrats want legislative authority

The WHO as part of the UN has assumed the responsibility of international global health coordination. It is preparing amendments to the International Health Regulations which will, among other things, remove "human rights and fundamental freedoms of persons".  


Stay informed about
major issues

Keep updated about important events and information impacting our civil rights and democratic freedoms. This is news you are unlikely to get from Mainstream Media


Change starts here

Empowerment begins in our communities. Find out about local efforts we have made to challenge policies and narratives that threaten our civil liberties.

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